Accommodation 1102

Below you find a description and photos from the rooms and a timetable how to get to the fair.

Please notice that:
o we rent the whole apartment
o it is allowed to smoke
o pets are allowed

(customer number 1102)


max. persons 
Number single room 
Number double room 
Shower  1 (is in the same floor) 
Toilet  1 (own)  
Distance to the fair ground   16 min by public transport  
Distance to downtown  10 min by public transport  

Photos single rooms

Public transport and map (example)

Departure   Basel Allschwilerplatz  08:28   Tram Nr. 6  
Arrival  Basel Messeplatz (Fair Ground)  08:44   Tram Nr. 6  

Prices + Reservation

The prices are on request. Please fill in the reservations form to get an offer.

Reservation form

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